

Research Group
Theoretical Physics of Solids ( S. Tanaka, K. Kanki , K. Noba, S. Garmon ) |
1) Theoretical study of photon-matter interaction, Quantum optics, Relaxation process of photoexcited states
2) Ultrafast nonlinear optical spectroscopy
3) Non-equilibrium quantum relaxation process
4) Complex spectral analysis of non-Hermitian quantum physics and quantum statistical mechanics
5) Non-equilibrium quantum transport process

Mathematical Physics ( N. Aizawa ) |
Interdisciplinary research on classical and quantum physics and mathematics such as algebra, geometry and topology

Nonlinear Physics ( T. Mizuguchi ) |
1) Analysis of nonlinear systems, such as differential equations and maps
2) Analysis of biological/social phenomena

Bio-photophysics ( T. Iida ) |
Interdisciplinary research on optical science (theory & experiment) for biological applications.
1) Development of "Biomimetic Nano Optical Engineering" and "Optical Biosensor Application"
2) Optical control of bio, organic and inorganic nanomartials for medical applications
3) Biological applications and measurement of extremely small quantity by optical tweezers

Optical Properties of Condensed Matter ( K. Mizoguchi, T. Kawai, G. Oohata ) |
Experimental studies on optical properties of condensed matter as following subjects,
1) Syntheses of new optical materials with new functions
2) Study on interaction of light with matter using optical spectroscopy
3) Study on ultrafast phenomena in condensed matter

Molecular Magnetism ( Y. Hosokoshi, T. Ono, H. Yamaguchi ) |
1) Development and Evaluation of New Molecule-based Magnetic Materials
2) Novel Quantum Phenomena in Low-dimensional Magnets
3) Pressure Effects on Magnetism

Condensed Matter Physics under Extreme Conditions ( S. Noguchi ) |
1) Development of dual extreme environment with high magnetic fields and ultra-low temperatures
2) Study on magnetic properties in the extreme state of quantum spin system and strongly correlated electron system

Structural Materials Science ( Y. Kubota, H. Ishibashi ) |
Structural studies on crystal materials related to the physical properties by the X-ray, electron and neutron diffraction methods

Thermoelectric Materials Science ( A. Kosuga ) |
Experimental studies related to electronic and thermal properties of solids
1) Study on crystal structure and transport properties of novel thermoelectric materials
2) Development of thermoelectric materials with new function

Astrophysics ( T. Onishi, H. Maezawa, K. Muraoka ) |
Radio Astronomy:
1) Development of radio telescopes and related equipments such as superconducting radio receivers
2) Research on the star-formation process by radio observations

Earth Science ( D. Miura, M. Okuno, K. Ishii , K. Kuwahara ) |
Studies on history and dynamics of the earth.
1) Caldera-forming eruption, Subvolcanic structure, and Volcano-tectonics.
2) Geology, geomorphology and radiocarbon geochronology with a focus on volcanic eruptions.
3) Radiolarian fossil chronology for the Permian-Triassic boundary rock and reconstruction of paleo-environment.
4) Numerical simulation of dynamic processes in subduction zones.
