Osaka Prefecture Univ.School of SciencePhysical Science > Recent Publications

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Recent Publications

 " A New 100-GHz Band Front-End System with a Waveguide-Type Dual-Polarization Sideband-Separating SIS Receiver for the NRO 45-m Radio Telescope", Publications of the Astronomocal Society of Japan 60, 435-443 (2008)

 " Antenna Performance of a Directly Dug Corrugated Feedhorn for the 150-GHz Band", International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 29, 713-723 (2008)

 "12CO 4-3 and [CI] 1-0 at the centers of NGC 4945 and Circinus",  Astronomy and Astrophysics 479, 75-82 (2008)

 "Clumpy photon-dominated regions in Carina : I. [C I] and mid-J CO lines in two 4'x4' fields",  Astronomy and Astrophysics 477, 547 (2008)

 "Ground-Based Millimeter-Wave Radiometer for Measuring the Stratospheric Ozone over Rikubetsu, Japan",  J. Meteor. Soc. Jpn. 85, 495 (2007)

 "New 60-cm Radio Survey Telescope with the Sideband-Separating SIS Receiver for the 200 GHz Band",  Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 59, 1005 (2007)

 "Metallic State in a Lime-Alumina Compound with Nanoporous Structure",  Nano Lett. 7, 1138 (2007)

 "Dense Molecular Clumps Associated with Young Clusters in Massive Star‐forming Regions",  Astrophys. J. 659, 459 (2007)

 " Spin-density distribution in the partially magnetized organic quantum magnet F2PNNNO",  Phys. Rev. B 75, 104427 (2007)

 "Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center: Evidence for Magnetic Flotation",  Science 314, 106 (2006)

 "Metastable Sorption State of a Metal-Organic Porous Material Determined by In Situ Synchrotron Powder Diffraction",  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45, 4932 (2006)

 "High‐Mass Cloud Cores in the η Carinae Giant Molecular Cloud",  Astrophys. J. 634, 476 (2005)

 "Highly controlled acetylene accommodation in a metal-organic microporous material",  Nature 436, 238 (2005)

 "Ferroelectricity from iron valence orderring in the charge-frustrated system LuFe2O4",  Nature 436, 1136 (2005)

 " Specific Heat Study of an S = 1/2 Alternating Heisenberg Chain System: F5PNN in a Magnetic Field",  Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 037203 (2005)

 "Direct Observation of Hydrogen Molecules Adsorbed onto a Microporous Coordination Polymer",  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 920 (2005)

 " Microscopic phase separation and ferromagnetic microdomains in Cr-doped Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3",  Phys. Rev. B 67, 12403 (2003)

 "Formation of isomorphic Ir3+ and Ir4+ octamers and spin dimerization in the spinel CuIr2S4",  Nature 416, 155 (2002)

 "Formation of a One-Dimensional Array of Oxygen in a Microporous Metal-Organic Solid",  Science 298, 2358 (2002)

 " X-ray-induced disordering of the dimerization pattern and apparent low-temperature enhancement of lattice symmetry in spinel CuIr2S4",  Phys. Rev. B 66, 144424 (2002)